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American Kitsune, Volume 2 (Light Novel)

American Kitsune, Volume 2 (Light Novel)

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"American Kitsune: A Fox's Tail picks up a month after where the first book (A Fox's Love) left off, and introduces two more major characters while providing even more video game and anime references along with a ton of echii.

The first character introduced is Kiara, the brother of the previous antagonist, Chris Fletcher. The Second is Christine Fraust, yes there is a pun there, but I'll leave it for you to spot. Kiara takes the place of antagonist, at least to an extent. Her showing up also provides some more back-story to how Lilian ended up in the state she was found in.

Christine doesn't have much screen time, but she's a tsundere. A gothic loli tsundere at that. The few scenes she's in the same place as Lilian is comedy gold. I mean, the seductive and playful Lillian and the loli tsundere Christine, sparks fly.

Beyond the new characters, the comedy becomes even more prevalent,and the echii meter is turned up to 11 in this book, with even more echii than the first book and even more jokes and references. The fan service is prevalent throughout the book, with Lilian being the main focus of it. Also, even though the author openly admitted he is not planning on the story becoming a harem story, he has set up the option for it becoming one quite nicely.

The differences from the first book to the second are stark, the Scene Breaks and the little chapter summary are both gone, profanity is introduced and characters besides Kevin and Lillian have more time as the the focus of a scene. The first and last changes are both good, but the profanity is unnecessary for the story. While it may not bother me too much, I know that others don't care for it. Although the biggest change is the echii itself, aside from being far more prevalent it is now much more natural. In other words, it no longer seems to have been put there simply for the sake of echii.

Bottom line, if you are a fan of echii anime, comedic shounen anime or just a fan of the first book, this book is a good purchase." ~James Kean Amazon Reviewer

The Fanservice Continues...

Life has finally settled down for Kevin Swift. Sure he’s still dealing with Lilian’s zany antics, but that’s alright, he’s actually starting to enjoy the gorgeous Kitsune’s continued presence. Too bad he's in denial. Unfortunately for him, life likes to throw fastballs when you least expect it to, and his life is about to get ecchi―I-I mean, ugly.

A tsundere dressed in gothic lolita fashion…
A boy whose hair is bigger than his brain…
A new enemy that makes Chris Fleischer look like a fifty pound weakling…
Trying to admit his feelings for a certain tomboy…
Not to mention Lilian herself.

Yeah, Kevin’s got problems, and life can only get more strenuous from here on out.

Oh, well. At least he hasn't been turned into a Harem Protagonist.


  1. Weak to Strong Protagonist (Expect Kevin to grow both mentally and physically as the series progresses)
  2. Aggressive Main Love Interest
  3. Accidental Perv Moments / Ecchi Shenanigans
  4. Harem Hijinks
  5. Classic Harem Archetypes
  6. Fourth-Wall Breaks
  7. Over-the-Top Fanservice


It was the weekend after Kevin's and Lilian's close encounter of the big, ugly and hairy kind; not much had happened in that time, comparatively at least. Very few things could top nearly getting killed by an inu yōkai, except for maybe finding out that the fox you saved was also a yōkai and wanted to jump your bones. Odd how both had already happened within a two week period.

Aside from a week passing since the fox-girl and the human she had chosen as her mate were almost killed, it was also the first weekend off from school that Lilian had ever had. Having been home-schooled all her life she was, naturally, quite excited about the concept of weekends off—excited being a mild euphemism that did no justice to truly describe how ecstatic she was. The redhead had been practically bouncing off the walls for almost two days straight at the thought of having a weekend off like a regular high school student.

Kevin felt the term regular could hardly be applied to someone like Lilian.

Kevin's wounds had healed entirely; not just the physical damage that had been wreaked upon him when Chris cut him open via several claws to the chest―which had not even scarred thanks to Lilian's Deus Ex Machina healing technique―but also the mental scarring caused by the realization that someone from his school had been a yōkai. Given his association with Lilian, it shouldn't have come as a shock that there were other yōkai out there, or that one might have hidden amongst the students of Desert Cactus High School; yet it had, and the event had psychologically damaged him, for a time.

The entire debacle and near -death experience at the hands of Chris had really made the young man rethink everything he thought he knew about the people around him. Several times he caught himself looking at people he associated with suspiciously, wondering if perhaps they were also yōkai in disguise. Even his best friend, Eric, and not-so-secret crush, Lindsay, were subject to this scrutiny. Lilian had assured him that both were human, but that did very little to placate him. Chris had been an inu, a species that was an enemy to kitsune everywhere, and she had not even realized what he was until the boy nearly killed them.

Kevin knew it wasn't fair to blame Lilian. She wasn't omniscient. Still, for a time, a part of him did blame her for not realizing that Chris was a big, ugly dog that wanted to cause them grievous bodily harm. He felt ashamed about how he'd blamed her for what happened, even though there was no way she could have known about Chris beforehand.

He blamed it on existential trauma.

In either event, he had eventually gotten over his paranoia―at least to the point where he wasn't doing his best impersonation of a groundhog on Groundhog's Day.

Surprisingly, Lilian's reassurances had helped him move past the traumatic experience of last week.

According to her, most yōkai just wanted to live in peace with humans. That was the whole point of disguising themselves and living amongst humans in the first place.

Lilian's village was the perfect example of this peaceful coexistence. While her village was an all-kitsune village, meaning only kitsune lived there, they allowed humans to visit―or at least visit the resort situated several miles away. Most of the kitsune living in the village also worked at the resort, so it amounted to the same thing.

According to her, the village she lived in was a very popular tourist attraction for the elite of human society. Nearly fifty percent of her village's income came from the stupidly rich humans who spent exorbitant amounts of cash for the extravagant services the kitsune resort offered.

Those few yōkai who did not want to live with humanity for whatever reason tended to live so far away from civilization that they simply weren't a threat. After nearly a week of jumping at his own shadow, Kevin had come to accept the information she'd given him as fact, and life had returned to the status quo―sort of. With someone like Lilian taking up residence with him, the status quo had been all but obliterated from his life.

Saturday morning found Kevin waking up to a big surprise: no Lilian. This shocked him because Lilian always slept with him. Always. These days she didn't even wait for him to fall asleep before sneaking into his bed. She would just straight up crawl into his bed at the same time he did and cuddle up to him, which she had done again last night.

After the incident with Chris, Kevin had decided to stop sleeping on the couch, instead choosing to once again use his actual bed. Since Lilian was so adamant about sleeping with him regardless of where he was, Kevin felt he should at least be as comfortable as possible, especially since dealing with a fox-girl who wanted to sex him up was decidedly uncomfortable.

For a time he had tried convincing her that they could not share a bed, but he gave up after two nights of arguing. No matter how logical his words were (sleeping together is for married couples, we're not dating, or the ever-infamous “get out of my bed!”), all Lilian had to do was give him that adorable pout no female with the kind of supermodel body she possessed should be capable of producing, and he caved faster than a badass male protagonist from a popular manga that's been derailed by wimpification in a fan fiction. He just couldn't win against her.

He wondered where she had gone off to. It wasn't like he missed her warmth, or the feel of her incredible body pressing into his side. Of course not. He was simply curious. This was the first time since they'd started living together that she'd woken up before him.

Shaking his head, Kevin decided not to worry about the red-haired vixen's whereabouts. Lilian was probably just making breakfast or something. That's what she usually did when she woke up. He would always find her in the kitchen cooking breakfast after he finished taking a shower.

At least when she wasn't trying to take a shower with him.

Since he was awake, at least partially so, Kevin decided that he might as well get a start on his day. It was still kind of early, like, six a.m. early. Most people would have just gone back to bed, but Kevin actually had a few chores that he needed to get done. The sooner he got started, the more time he would have later that day to do what he wanted.

His chores for the day involved cleaning the apartment. It wasn't really something he wanted to do, but he didn't really have a choice in the matter. It was an unfortunate side effect of having a parent who was almost never home and not having a maid.

Maybe he should think about getting a maid?

Somewhere in the United States, a kitsune clad in a kimono and carrying a katana and a wakizashi sneezed.

After getting out of bed, Kevin stumbled to the bathroom, his feet dragging along the floor as he tried to wake himself up. A wide yawn escaped his lips and he ran a hand through his messy blond hair, pushing several bangs out of his eyes. He absently took note that his hair had gotten a little longer. He needed a hair cut, and soon.

Kevin had only just closed the bathroom door when he realized that something was wrong. Several somethings. One: the air was very warm. Hot even. Two: there was a lot of steam wafting around, clinging to his skin, fogging up the mirrors, and coalescing along the walls and ceiling. Three: someone was humming. Four: they had a beautiful voice. And five: someone was already in the shower and she was very familiar to him.

“L-Lilian?!” Kevin squeaked. Why was she in here? Wasn't she making breakfast? That's what she usually did in the morning.

The curtain was pulled back for reasons beyond Kevin's ability to comprehend (it was almost as if Lilian had known that he would come in here, thinking that she was making breakfast), so he could see far more of the girl than was appropriate.

Far, far more than was appropriate.

Her long red hair lay flat against her head and traveled down her body, sticking erotically to her fair skin and stopping at her magnificently shaped rear. She wasn't facing him, but rather, her body was turned slightly to the side, so that she presented him with a three-quarter profile of herself. With her arms raised above her head to massage shampoo into her hair, Kevin was given a perfect view of her generously sized and well-formed sideboob.

“Oh, Beloved,” Lilian chirped when she finally noticed him standing in front of the door, gaping at her with wide eyes and a face so red that lobsters everywhere were probably crying out in jealousy. She turned around to present him with a full-frontal view of her nude, wet body, giving him a dazzling smile full of perfect ivory teeth to let him know how pleased she was to see him.

Not that he really saw it―her smile, that is―because the moment she turned around his eyes found themselves gazing upon the two large, round things on her chest, which bounced and swayed every time she moved. Her breasts were very perky despite their size, and Kevin found himself mesmerized.

Such is the power of a woman with large tits. There is a general consensus among men, not all, but most, that women with big boobies were more beautiful than women with itty bitty titties. Buxom is Better, as it were. Or, big breasts equals hot chick. Eric Corrompere put it best when he said, “Boobs weigh heavier than a man's life.”

And was it just Kevin, or did Lilian's boobs actually make a boing sound when they bounced? How weird was that?

“I'm glad you're awake. I was going to wake you up myself after I finished taking a shower, but I think this works out better.”

No, it doesn't, Kevin wanted to shout, but found himself incapable of even opening his mouth.

“Since you're up now, would you like to help me wash my back?” After saying this, she presented her back to him, moving her long hair out of the way. With a strangely innocent grin that looked completely out of place given the context of the situation, she wiggled her marvelously-crafted derrière at him to emphasize exactly where she wanted him to wash.

Unprepared for such a lethal move, Kevin was nearly felled right then and there. His head began to swim as all the blood rushed to his face. This was far too much sexy for his teenage mind to handle.

Kevin didn't pass out, but he had to lean back against the door frame to keep upright. His legs buckled and shook erratically, showing clearly that if he didn't do something soon, he may very well have fallen into that blissful state otherwise known as unconsciousness.

“Ugh… uuuuu… ha…?” Kevin said, having been reduced to random monosyllables.

“What are you doing just standing there, Beloved? Come on. The water's perfect.”

Lilian stepped out of the shower, her body dripping wet. Kevin's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as he watched several droplets of water travel down her awe-inspiring curves. It was an arousing sight; hundreds of tiny liquid pebbles that glittered like jewels in the light as they blazed an adventurous path across her glorious body, leaving a wet trail along her skin. Her long, luxurious red hair flung water into the air as she swished it over her shoulder, creating a sparkle effect that made her look like some kind of otherworldly creature; like an angel who'd descended from heaven to grant a mortal like him a taste of what awaited in the afterlife.

Or it could just be due to how Everything is Better with Sparkles. No, seriously, if you want to show that something is valuable, magical or just plain special, shove an inordinate amount of sparkles on or around it and voila! Instant specialness.

On a side note, when a bishounen sparkles, it’s known as the Bishie Sparkle.

On another side note, Mahou Shoujo also tend to sparkle a lot, but that has more to do with censorship than magical girl-ness.

Moon Prism Power.



“H-hey! Wh-what are you―!? Q-quit dragging me!”

“Muu,” Lilian made an oddly pouty sound, “Stop struggling and get in the shower with me, Beloved. The water's perfect.”

“I don't want to take a shower! I'm still dressed!”

“If you don't want to take a shower, then why did you come in here?”


“I thought so. Now come on, let's get those clothes off, ufufufu…”

“Okay, that laugh is really beginning to freak me out―Eep! What are you―s-stop!”

“Ufufufu, and now to get rid of those pants!”

Cue the sound of clothing being ripped.

“You could have at least let me take those off! Those were my favorite pajamas! And stop staring at me like that!”

“Ufufufu, why? You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're quite… well endowed, ufufufu… and you still have room to grow. Oh, we are going to have so much fun together!”

“We're not going to be having any fun you―wait! No! Stop it! I don't―! Oh god! What are you―!? Iyahn!”


Not even fifteen minutes later, Kevin sat at the kitchen table, his head laying on the hard wooden surface. His face felt like someone had stuck it in an Easy-Bake-Oven for six hours. He could probably boil eggs on his face.

He could no longer even look at Lilian, who was currently humming a beautiful tune as she made some kind of homemade yogurt parfait with something she called Greek yogurt. He didn't know what the difference was between normal yogurt and Greek yogurt, but apparently there was one. Something about the pasteurization making the yogurt thicker… or something… he hadn't caught the explanation because he'd been too busy trying not to pay attention to the girl doing the explaining.

On a side note, he wondered where she got the Greek yogurt from. He knew for a fact that there was no Greek anything in his fridge.

In either event, Kevin really didn't care to know the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt. He was still too busy trying to keep his heart rate under control and the blood from rushing to his face… along with another part of his body that he had adequately dubbed “Kevin Junior.”

“Here you go,” Lilian's happy voice reached his ears. Kevin looked up, instinctively reacting to someone addressing him. Yet, the moment he found himself gazing upon the girl most teenage boys would gladly have wet dreams about, his face flushed an even deeper shade of atomic red.

Lilian had leaned over to present his food to him. This might not have been a problem in most cases, but she was currently wearing a white, low cut sleeveless tank that showed off a good portion of her creamy, unblemished cleavage—of which the young kitsune had a plentiful amount of, which explained why his vision was practically filled with her bountiful bosom.

“T-t-thanks,” he stuttered before quickly shoving his face into his food. So long as he was eating, he wouldn't have to look at her.

“You're welcome.” Lilian couldn't quite contain her sigh of disappointment. Kotohime had always said that men were simple creatures; flash a little skin and they were yours for the taking. But that didn't seem to be working with Kevin―he hardly even looked at her cleavage, and she had presented the perfect opportunity for him.

It seemed Lilian would still need to work hard before Kevin was willing to bend her over this table and claim her as she wanted to be claimed.

That was okay, though. She was a kitsune. All kitsune knew that if you wanted to capture your prey―um, mate―you had to be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day and going from “we just met” to “let's make babies” took time as well.

So while she was plotting more ways to break Kevin of his resolve and get him to ravish her, Kevin was trying to deal with his mind sending him constant visions of Lilian's breasts.

Kevin didn't know why he still wasn't used to moments like this. He had seen Lilian nude plenty of times. Their very first meeting she had been completely exposed to him, for God's sake! The incident in the shower really shouldn't have affected him so much―especially because it had already happened before, several times! He'd faced much worse since the vixen entered his life.

I'm really beginning to think I shouldn't have rescued Lilian back then, he thought sullenly. It would have certainly made my life a whole lot less complicated. But, she had been so cute! I couldn't not rescue her, right? Right?!

He thought about how he'd rescued Lilian all of two weeks ago, back when he thought she was just a fox. His sullen mood worsened.

Even if I had known what sort of trouble this would cause in advance, I don't know if I would have done anything different. How could I not save someone when they're hurt? What kind of person would I be if I just left her to die?

Sometimes, Kevin really hated being of the Hapless Hero variety. Why couldn't he have been born with a cooler personality?

It must be genetics, he grumbled to himself, My dad's probably some wimp who lets women walk roughshod over him. That's why I act like this.

“Beloved?” Lilian's voice shook Kevin from his increasingly depressing thoughts. By now, he had managed to get his blush under control, and raised his head to look at her. “Since it's Saturday and we don't have school, are we going to do something fun?”

“Something fun?” Kevin blinked once, twice, then adopted a thoughtful expression as he rubbed his chin. “Well, sometimes my friends and I will go to the arcade on the weekend…” he trailed off when he saw the look in his housemate/pseudo-girlfriend/kitsune mate's eyes. The expression her face possessed could only be described as unadulterated hope.

And was it just him, or were those stars in her eyes?

After taking another glance, Kevin realized that, indeed, they were stars. Spanning the entire iris of her eyes were two bright, yellow, five-pointed stars that had somehow replaced her normal pupils.

What. The. Heck?

“I've never been to a real arcade before,” Lilian's voice snapped him out of his incredulity. He looked up…

… And then leaned back as Lilian's stare seemed to intensify. He nearly fell off his chair when she leaned over and got nose to nose with him.

“Do you think we can go there? Please?”

“I… I don't see why not,” Kevin hedged. The look in her eyes was almost as creepy as that laugh of hers. “But the arcade doesn't open until ten, so we'll have to wait for a while before leaving. There's no point in going to the arcade if it's not even open.”

“Oh,” Lilian's shoulders slumped. “I was hoping we could go now. What are we going to do for―” she glanced up at the clock, “―three more hours?”

“I have to clean the apartment, anyways. That's going to take a good hour and a half at the very least.”

“Oh! I'll help clean!” Lilian smiled at him while Kevin just arched an eyebrow. “Then we can get it done in half the time, right? Two people are better than one and all that.”

When Kevin saw how enthusiastic the girl was about helping, he agreed.

It would be one of the biggest mistakes of his life… at least until he made the next biggest mistake of his life. Kevin could already tell there would be a lot of those. Mistakes, that is.


Not even ten minutes later, Kevin was cleaning the windows and dusting the windowsills as he lip-synced to a song playing on his MP3 player. Lilian was washing their clothes.

Kevin had been cleaning this apartment for so long that he actually picked up the habit of zoning out while he tidied the place up. Everything was pretty routine anyway: clean the windows, clean the windowsills, vacuum the floor—the usual stuff. It was boring, mundane work in every way possible and required very little thought.

When all the windows in the living room and kitchen were clean, Kevin walked into the hallway, which led to the washing room, laundry room and his bedroom. He stepped foot into the hall… and promptly stopped dead in his tracks, the cleaning supplies falling from his nerveless fingers.

His eyes widened in horror.

“What the heck is going on here?!”

“Wah! Beloved!” Lilian ran over to him, tears in her eyes and a pitiful look on her face. Her clothes and body were soaking wet and covered in white, foamy suds that looked nothing like soap. They caked to her clothes and skin, including her face. She almost looked like a snowman―erm, woman. “I don't know what happened! The washing machine just started shaking, and soap and water kept shooting out of it and I don't know what's going on!”

Kevin tried to keep calm while observing the situation as unbiasedly as possible. He looked down the hall to the washing room, which had foamy water running out of it, soaking the tile and carpet. A little further in the washing machine was going berserk, shaking and jumping like someone had decided to crank it into overdrive.

He rubbed a hand over his face. For some reason, he felt ridiculously exhausted right now―it probably had something to do with the girl in front of him.

“I'll handle this.” He didn't look at Lilian as he walked past her. “You just… dry yourself off with a towel and get changed into a dry set of clothes.”

“Okay,” she sniffled, “I'm sorry.”

Kevin just grunted as he stepped onto the ever expanding area of the now soaking-wet floor. His feet made wet, squelching noises each time he took a foot off the carpet. By the time he made it to the utility room, his socks were soaked all the way through and covered in the same foam-like substance that made Lilian resemble a snow-woman.

He entered the washing room, determined to put a stop to this insanity... only to end up getting far more than he bargained for.

“What the heck?! Woah! That was too―holy crap!”

The machine bucked and rumbled like a bull seeing red. Kevin's toes were nearly squished.

“Oh, dear sweet god! It's going crazy!”

“B-Beloved, do you want me to help? I could―”

“What the―! You're still here?! Go and get―Jesus Christ!”

The washing machine almost ran right over him, forcing him to dodge and causing his head to hit the wall when he slipped on the wet surface.

“B-but I―”

“Dang it, Lilian! I need to concentrate! Go and get―EEK!” Kevin screamed like a little girl.


Despite the difficulties he faced, he managed to shut the machine off. The intense reverberating stopped, the machine ceased jumping like a speed addict on a pogo stick, and Kevin could not keep the sigh of relief from escaping his mouth when his toes were no longer in danger of becoming pancakes. There had been several calls that were far too close for comfort. Had he been a hair slower, his poor phalanges may have actually been crushed.

Now he just had to find out why the machine had turned into some kind of raging berserker. It was a fairly new, state-of-the-art piece of equipment. It was so easy to use that even people completely lacking in intelligence and common sense should have been able to figure out how to make it work properly.

That begged the question of how Lilian managed to make the washing machine act like that. She wasn't stupid; a bit of an airhead maybe, but certainly not dumb. She should know how to use a washing machine, right?

Lilian was sitting on his bed when he entered his room. She was now dry and free of foam, and her outfit had been changed as well. While before she was wearing a pair of tight jean shorts that showed off more leg than Kevin thought was appropriate, now she had donned a red skirt that looked like it would expose her panties if she bent over. Her white, low-cut shirt had been replaced with a black tube top that left the top of her cleavage exposed and showed her wonderfully flat stomach. Settled on her feet were a pair of simple red flip flops. Her crimson-colored hair was worn in its usual style, falling freely about her face and body like a curtain of shimmering silk.

Kevin noticed right away that she was nervous as he approached; the way her fists tightly clenched the skirt and her eyes refused to meet his told him as much. Even her stiff posture and body language seemed to convey a sense of anxiety, as if she was waiting for the hammer to fall.

“Are you mad at me?” Lilian asked in a small voice.

Kevin ran a hand through his hair, inhaled deeply, then released it all in one breath.

“No, I'm not mad.” Lilian looked up, her glance hopeful. “But I would like to know what happened.”

Lilian's shoulders slumped as she recalled the event of a few minutes ago. It was not one of her best moments.

“I don't know. I did everything just like I was supposed to. I put the clothes in, then I put the laundry detergent in, and then I turned it on and started it.”

“Um, we don't have any laundry detergent,” Kevin told her. “We use those detergent pods now.”


“Yeah. In the left cabinet of the washing room, in a big orange bag. You can't miss them.”

“I didn't see those,” Lilian admitted, “But I didn't really look. When I didn't see any detergent, I just thought you might have run out and decided to use my own.”

Kevin had a bad feeling, trepidation settling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't want to, but he asked anyway. “And what detergent was this?”

As Lilian reached in between her breasts, Kevin looked away. Even then, he still ended up peeking at her out peripheral. When he turned back, the fox-girl had pulled a box out of her Extra Dimensional Storage Space and showed it to Kevin who, upon reading the label on the box, gained several veins that visibly throbbed on his forehead.

“Lilian, that's not laundry detergent.”

“It isn't?”

“No.” Another throb. “It isn't.”

Lilian blinked. She looked honestly confused. “Then what is it?”

“I'm not sure.” Kevin pointed at the symbol on the box. “But I don't think laundry detergent would have a biohazard symbol on it. Just saying.”

“Biohazard?” Lilian looked at the symbol on the box, noting that, yes, there really was a biohazard symbol on it. “Oh, um, whoops?” She looked at Kevin with a sheepish smile. “I guess I pulled out the wrong box, tee-hee.”

As Lilian knocked the knuckles of her right hand against her noggin, one eye winking closed and her tongue poking out in an expression that he knew she picked up from the anime they'd been watching, Kevin felt like bashing his face against a wall.

“And what exactly is in this box?” He probably shouldn't have asked, but he did anyway.



“Yep. Nothing.”

Kevin stared at the girl for several more seconds, then sighed.

“Right. Nothing.”

He decided right then and there that he was better off not knowing. He looked out of the door and into the hallway.

“This is just great. How am I going to clean all that up?”

It would take a high powered steam cleaner to get all that foam out of the carpet. Which he didn't have. Plus, the cost of renting one was expensive. Not to mention, he had no idea how he would get one home when he didn't have a car.

“I can help!”

Kevin was very reluctant to let this girl help him again after what had just happened. However, upon seeing the pleading look on her face, he gave in. Hopefully, it wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 78 reviews
Darwin Smith
Decent Followup

I was expecting more hijinx, and I got them. There's still the trope-iness, and we still get the fourth-wall breaks, but we also see development in the story, and start to get a better feel for the cast.The climax comes fast, and turns it from a chuckle-worthy pick-up-put-down comedy to page-turning action that mostly retains its sense of humor. I recommend.Overall, if you're generally a fan of ecchi manga, light novels, hijinx, and increasingly, action, this is a good book to pick up.

Clayton Ramaker
It's getting better all the time

As a anime inspired story, I couldn't enjoy it more. It does have many anime cliches, but it does get serious in the bigger plot. This is a harem story, but it's a slow bulit and unintended harem story. That means the MC isn't trying to get a harem, but gets one anyway and the harem builds slowly. If your looking for a story that has classic anime cliches while having an original story, this is the one for you.

Daniel G.
Second Volume

Well I just want to say, if you liked the first volume you‘ll like the second. ;) I‘ll go buy now the third Volume lol.

Gilbert Calhoun
Still a fun read

I enjoyed this book as much if not more than the first one.The author has progressed nicely. The plot has advanced, and the diction has improved. I continue to be amused by the breaking of the fourth wall.The occasional word order error continues. It is mildly distracting, but not a significant detriment to the story, hence the five stars.My apologies for the dry review. I absolutely abhor spoilers, and this is how I avoid them in a review.

Some Know-It-All
Slight improvement, still deeply flawed.

Most of the problems from the first book have carried over: the self-destructive 4th wall gags, the out-of-place anime cliches, the confusing characterization, but it's not as bad and there are more good points.However, there is one objective flaw this book has that the first did not. The climax is completely misplaced. The entire book builds up to a confrontation between Lilian, Kevin, and the elder sister of the "villain" from the last book (who the author retroactively attempts to give depth to with mixed results). That confrontation happens about 80% of the way through, then the remainder of the book is spent farting around in the mall with the occasional emotional revelation or development.Granted, it's an interesting confrontation, albeit strange that this sister has henchmen at her beck and call, but good nonetheless. She really comes off as a responsible human being who is only doing this irresponsible stuff out of a misplaced sense of obligation, and I found it easy to empathize with that sense, once the source was explained.Despite that, it should've happened at the end. Once again I get a bad fanfic vibe from this decision to place it in the center-rear, as bad or shallow fanfiction will either end abruptly or carry on long after the meat of the story was burned to a crisp. I really wish the author could've injected more interesting things into the last fifth to at least justify its length. It feels like the inverse of the ending to Desolation of Smaug, where the end of the movie was cut out and slapped on to the beginning of the next one. Here, it feels like the beginning of the next book, barring one occurence, was cut from that and stuck to the end here. It really does feel like incompletw rising action, probably because the author had this one moment they NEEDED to happen in this book but couldn't think of a better way to transition to it.Which is really too bad, honestly. That last fifth quashed any good will I had for this book. There's this annoying tsundere character who has little to her outside of being a tsundere, who is obviously attracted to Kevin for even shallower reasons than Lilian (at least Lilian's infatuation is SOMEWHAT plausible), and the amount of repetitive tsundere outbursts she has in the last chapter only highlights how barebones her character is.