American Kitsune, Volume 5 (Light Novel)
American Kitsune, Volume 5 (Light Novel)
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"5.0 out of 5 stars Adolescent-friendly ecchi and manga that needs no effort to make itself entertaining and funny"~Richard Kirka Amazon Reviewer
Hot springs, nude scenes, and fan service galore!
Spring break has finally come. Kevin and Lilian are traveling to California with their friends and family, where they plan to enjoy a week at the beach and attend the San Diego Comic-Con.
Of course, with this mixed bag of yōkai and humans involved, disaster waits around every corner. Between getting caught in the middle of a war involving kappa and kitsune, a mysterious assassin who’s trying to kill Lilian, and the spandex-clad Sons and Daughters of Humanity, Kevin is going to have his hands full.
He really should have seen this coming. Whoever said that hindsight is fifty-fifty deserves to be punched in the face.
- Weak to Strong Protagonist (Expect Kevin to grow both mentally and physically as the series progresses)
- Aggressive Main Love Interest
- Accidental Perv Moments / Ecchi Shenanigans
- Harem Hijinks
- Classic Harem Archetypes
- Fourth-Wall Breaks
- Over-the-Top Fanservice
She entered her mistress’s room. It looked a lot like an office. She wandered across the beige carpet, until she stood in front of a desk made from oak wood. Behind the desk sat her mistress, reading over and filing away documents, a no-nonsense expression on her face. Before this female, who’d built this village with her own two hands, she prostrated herself.
“You summoned me, nya?”
Her mistress didn’t even look up from her work. “I did. I have a job for you, one that I feel you are uniquely suited for.”
She perked up. She was being given a job? This was an awfully rare occurrence. She was almost never selected for jobs these days.
“You are to locate and dispose of Lilian Pnév̱ma, who is living in Phoenix, Arizona.”
Cassy’s breath caught in her throat. Phoenix was where her last job had been! That particular mission, like most of her missions, hadn’t ended very well, and thus, she’d been forced to return home, more disgraced than ever.
If my mission is in Phoenix, then…
“I have been very lenient with you, Cassy Belladonna. However, know this, should you get distracted by consorting with human children while on a mission again, your punishment will be much harsher than it was last time. Do you understand?”
Cassy nodded emphatically. “Understood, nya.”
“Then you are dismissed. You leave tomorrow morning, so pack up your things and be ready before daybreak.”
“Yes, Mistress, nya.”
As Cassy left in surprisingly high spirits, she contemplated her next mission’s destination.
Phoenix… I wonder if I’ll get to see Master again…
Kevin Swift, Iris noticed, was a most unusual human. Maybe her perceptions of him were skewed, but there was something about him that seemed off to her.
It was not his personality, nor was it his personal life. He did all of the things that she imagined a normal human boy would do: He went to school, hung out with friends, watched anime and read manga, had a part-time job, trained to fight yōkai, and spent time with his supernatural girlfriend-slash-mate. While those last two things definitely weren't something ordinary human boys did, the facts remained the same. In all regards, Kevin Swift was an average human teenager.
Except for one tiny difference. His unbending will.
Iris didn’t know if this part of Kevin was something intrinsically connected to him, or if he was just odd. She only knew what she saw. Kevin’s determination, his will, his drive to succeed—these traits of his exceeded those of anyone else that she knew. All she had to do was remember the time when she’d tried to cast an enchantment on him. No regular human could have thrown off an enchantment like hers—standard enchantments maybe, but not hers.
Aura of Allure was a powerful technique. It was the strongest enchantments in her arsenal. Even three-tailed kitsune could not break it. She knew this. She’d tested it. For Kevin to break free of her enchantment with nothing but sheer willpower was nothing short of astounding.
You could say it put him up a notch in her book. Just one, though.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold on! Timeout!” Alex made an x-sign with his arms as he stared at Kevin, his bulging eyes and slack-jawed mouth giving him an appearance that made Iris snort. “You’re telling me that you and Lilian still haven’t done the deed? Seriously? After all this time, nearly five months of dating, and you two haven’t fucked like rabbits in heat?”
“The heck is that supposed mean?” Kevin mumbled as he ate. “And it’s foxes in heat.”
“Never mind.”
I still don’t know what she sees in him.
Iris would admit, if only to herself, that Kevin was decently handsome. He wasn’t the best-looking guy at school, but he was cute in his own way. Tousled blond hair swayed as he ate, and eyes of the brightest blue stared at the world with an unusual sharpness, which hadn’t been there when they’d first met. Light tan skin, visible beneath his T-shirt and shorts, appeared to have been kissed by the sun.
He’d put on a good deal of muscle, too. As she watched, Iris could see the way his arm flexed as he raised the chopsticks to his mouth.
It was lunch time. She, Kevin, Lilian, Lindsay, Christine, Justin, Alex, and Andrew sat around the stone table. Iris sat beside her sister, silently observing Kevin, whom she’d become fascinated by. She really wanted to see what made him tick.
“Whatever, my point is that Lilian has offered herself to you, and you’re not doing anything about it. What kind of man are you? I can tell you right now that if I were in your position, I would have already shoved my hot, throbbing—”
“All right, that’s enough out of you,” a red-faced Kevin said.
The innocence that Kevin still displayed amused Iris. Sure, they hadn’t had sex yet, but he and Lily-pad had shared some passionate moments together. She should know, having spied on them often enough when they thought no one else was looking.
Kevin continued. “Why are we even talking about this? My sex life really can’t be that interesting, can it?”
Alex and Andrew shared a look. They were twins, but they looked nothing alike. Alex had brown hair while Andrew was a redhead. Andrew had a lot of freckles, but Alex had none. The only similarity was their height. Like her and Lilian, they were fraternal twins.
“Considering you’re the only one among us who even has a sex life, I’d have to say yes. Yes, it is. None of the girls we’ve dated are willing to put out. You’ve got a girl who actually wants to do the horizontal mambo, but you’re not actually doing anything with her. Do you know how much that pisses me off?”
“What he said,” Andrew added.
“Did you ever think that maybe the whole reason no girl is willing to do anything with you is because they know you’re only looking for sex?” Kevin suggested. “And Lilian and I do plenty of things together that are, um, not meant for anyone else to know about.”
“Oh, yeah? Like what?”
Iris grinned when Kevin froze. “You walked into that one, Stud.”
“Shut up,” he snapped at her before addressing his friends. “Lilian and I, well, we do lots of things together… things that are… um, you know.”
“No, we don’t know. That’s why we’re asking.”
“Ugh. R-right. W-well. Well!” Kevin tried to put on a confident front, but Iris could practically see the gears turning in the boy’s head. He was panicking. “That’s… it’s… how do you say…”
Having heard the conversation from where she was speaking with Lindsay and Christine, Lilian helpfully interjected. “Kevin brought me to multiple orgasms last Saturday when we were taking a shower together.”
“Right.” Kevin nodded. “I brought her to—LILIAN! You’re not supposed to tell anyone that!!”
“Um… whoopsies. I forgot. Tee-hee.”
Lilian bopped herself on the head and poked her tongue out. Her red hair swayed from the action, and eyes like emeralds peeked out from underneath her bangs. A green off-the-shoulder shirt showcased her slender shoulders, magnificent bosoms, and flat stomach. Jean shorts covered her small, shapely bottom and revealed her lean legs, which ended in a pair of delicate feet that were encased in gladiator sandals.
What I wouldn’t give to kiss that stomach, or those legs. I’d even suck on her toes.
“Don’t say that in such a cutesy tone!” Kevin barked. “And don’t make that pose! You’re not an anime character!”
“And don’t use your mom’s catchphrase!”
He makes a surprisingly good tsukkomi.
“Would this be a bad time to tell everyone that you were gnawing on my panties the other day?” Iris asked, her tone nonchalant.
“Oh, shut up,” Kevin snapped. “I was not. You shoved those panties in my mouth while I was sleeping—and those weren’t your panties anyway. They were your mom’s panties. You don’t even wear panties!”
Everyone stared at Kevin, who only realized what he’d said several seconds after he said it.
“Uhuhuhu.” Iris’s grin became the epitome of devilish desire. She looked over at the fraternal twins and winked. “He knows me too well. Ev-ery-nook-and-cran-ny!”
Andrew and Alex were blown back by nosebleeds. They fell from their seats, blood gushing from their nose like a water hose gone out of control.
“I-I-I-I do not! SHUT UP!”
“Uhuhuhu… how cute,” Iris muttered. This boy was just too easy.
“But seriously, you’ve seriously changed a lot, man,” Andrew said, wiping the blood from his nose as he sat back down. “You used to be a total pansy.”
“Biggest pansy I’ve ever seen,” Andrew agreed.
“You were so completely pansified that you couldn’t even talk to girls without passing out.”
Iris watched in mild amusement as several arrows appeared seemingly out of nowhere and speared the blond teen’s back. Lilian, being the good girlfriend that she was, carefully pulled each metaphorical arrow out and tossed them to the ground.
“Do you guys really have to put it like that?” Kevin whined piteously.
“Are you denying it?” Alex asked.
“Thought not. Face it, Kevin, you were a complete loser. Worse than those main protagonists who are all buff and badass, and then get turned into complete wimps because some chick with more estrogen than she knows what to do with got this idea in her head that yaoi fan fiction is art.”
Kevin’s cheeks puffed up. “You guys are awful!”
“And you shouldn't make fun of yaoi fanfiction,” Lilian added.
“Right,” Kevin said. “Wait. What?”
“Don’t worry, Stud.” Iris grinned as she pressed her breasts into Kevin's back. “I don’t doubt that you’re a paragon of masculinity.” She blew on his ear, enjoying the way he shuddered. “In fact, I would love to help you show these peons just how much of a man you are. Right. This. Instant.”
Iris could practically feel Kevin’s struggle. It was admirable, really. Any other male would have succumbed ages ago. Yet even now he fought against her, denied her. Perhaps that was Lilian’s influence, but the fact that her sister and Kevin had yet to have hot, passionate, and raunchy sex suggested otherwise.
“Come on,” Iris whispered, her voice suffused with her intent, her lust, her desire. “Why don’t you show me just what you’re made of, big boy—gya!”
Something hard and strong smacked Iris in the head, sending her sprawling to the ground.
“Iris, stop picking on my mate,” Lilian said, her bushy red tail disappearing before anyone but Iris and Kevin could notice it.
“Aw!” Iris pouted at her sister from where she sat, sprawled across the ground. She grinned when Alex, Andrew, and even Justin tried to stare down her shirt. “I was just having a little bit of fun.”
Lilian pouted at her, which Iris thought was adorable.
When Lilian realized that Iris wasn’t going to apologize, she turned her attention to Kevin, eyes softening in concern. “Are you okay, Kevin?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Kevin sniffled. He looked at Lilian with big, watery eyes. “Thank you, Lilian. I love you.”
Lilian’s eyes also went wide, but then, inexplicably, they became warm pools of love and compassion. A smile touched her lips. “I love you, too, Kevin…”
“Oh, for all the gods’ sakes! If you two are gonna get all lovey-dovey like that, then get a fucking room!” Christine shouted.
As per the usual, the yuki-onna was decked out in classic Lolita clothing. Iris didn’t understand how someone could wear something so stifling in Arizona, but she had to admit that it gave the girl a certain charm. She looked like a doll. Iris was even tempted to take her home and play dress up.
Uhuhuhu, maybe I could even get Lilian and the stud to join in. That would be fun.
Sitting on her butt, Iris switched her gaze from Christine to the still hugging Lilian and Kevin. For some reason, whenever she saw them hug like this, she imagined waves crashing against a beach with a sunset backdrop. She didn’t know why.
“Is something wrong?” Lindsay asked Christine, tucking a strand of blond hair behind her left ear. Doe-like brown eyes gazed at her Lolita-clad friend. Lindsay was a cutie, in a tomboyish sort of way. She was the most normal girl Iris had ever met, but cute nonetheless.
The yuki-onna blinked, and then looked at the lithe blond. “No. It’s nothing. I just realized we’re missing someone.”
Lindsay looked around and realized that Christine was right. “Now that you mention it, we are missing someone.”
“… Eric…” Justin added unnecessarily. Iris didn’t know how he’d heard them. His ears were covered by a pair of headphones, which were as black as his hair. Pale skin made a startling contrast with his dark hair and clothes, lending him a gothic appearance.
At the mention of their perverted friend, everyone began searching. Even Iris peered at her surroundings from her place on the cement. Eric was a lecherous fool with lanky limbs and spiky brown hair. He reminded her of a monkey. Lilian had nicknamed him “Saru” in reference to some anime character with the same personality. Iris didn’t get it, but she wasn’t an anime nerd like her sister.
Kevin’s brows furrowed. “Come to think of it, Eric hasn’t had lunch with us for the past couple of days. I wonder what he’s up to?”
As if summoned by their thoughts, a loud scream echoed to them as if from a vast distance. In a most unusual form of synchronization, the entire group turned towards the source of the yells.
“… aaaaAAAAHHHH!!”
Naturally, the source of all that shouting was Eric… and the horde of freshmen girls chasing after him, angrily waving around various implements that could be found within a gym—except for one girl, who had a claymore. It was too bad for Eric that the claymore girl was at the front of the pack. Her demonic red eyes glowered at the young man, and she shouted expletives that would have made a sailor cream his pants and proclaim his undying love for her.
“Mwahahahahaha! Run, Apprentice! Run! This is all part of your training!”
“How is this training?! They’re trying to kill meeeeeee!”
“We’re training your endurance, my boy! You must be able to outrun women if you ever want to excel in the art of peeping! Now run faster! Mwahahaha!”
Heather followed behind the group, laughing like a loon as she goaded Eric to run and spurred on the girls chasing after him. Pretty soon, Eric ran past them, screaming like a prepubescent little girl. The Horde, for that’s all they could have been, followed, a large cloud of dust flying off of the ground behind them.
Everyone sat there as Eric disappeared into the distance, listening as screams of terror became squeals of agony. It sounded like the girls had caught up to him.
“So…” Lindsay started again, “… are we still on for spring break?”
Jumping off her seat, Lilian stood on the table, left foot on the bench, right on the table itself. She raised a hand to her face, clenching it into a fist, eyes blazing with an inner fire.
“Of course we are!” she declared, wearing a large, excited smile. “There’s no way we’re going to alter our plans now! This is my first spring break, and by Inari, we are going to travel out of this state and have fun!”
A grinning Kevin followed his girlfriend-slash-mate’s example. He, too, jumped onto the table, imitating Lilian’s pose. An excited gleam had entered his eyes.
“That’s right! This is something we must do! It’s going to be the adventure of a lifetime! There’s no way we can pass up on this opportunity!”
Everyone stared at the two with the kind of “WTF?” expression that had become commonplace among them. Iris snickered. Seeing them act like this made her realize that maybe, just maybe, this strange human really was meant for her sister.
Lindsay pressed a palm against her face and sighed. “I swear, it’s like Kevin gets more insane every time I see him.” Despite her words, the smile she wore blunted any harshness they might have held.
Several months had passed since the incident that had rendered Lindsay’s mother in the hospital. She’d had plenty of time to think about what happened. At first, Lindsay thought avoiding her two friends was the best idea. This had caused a lot of drama and angst to go on between the group.
Fortunately for everyone involved, Lindsay had come to her senses, thanks to a surprisingly passionate speech from Christine. In the end, the problem was solved with a heart-to-heart conversation that involved talking, hugging, and lots of “hawas.”
“I’m beginning to see what you mean,” Christine muttered. “And to think, he used to be such a shy, innocent boy.” She shook her head sadly. “Lilian’s corrupted him.”
“That reminds me!” Lilian turned to Kevin, her eyes sparkling. “We need to think of which costumes we should bring with us!”
Kevin’s eyes widened. “You’re right!” The two raised their hands, pressed their palms together, and laced their fingers. “This is a very important decision. We need to think carefully about which costumes we should bring. We need at least… two? No, three. No, it’s two. I’m pretty sure it’s two.”
“It’s two, Kevin. We’re only going to Comic-Con for two of the seven days we’ll be there.”
“Right.” Kevin’s eyes sparkled. “I can’t believe we’re going to Comic-Con together!”
Lilian’s beaming smile was a reflection of her joy. “Me neither!”
“Oh, Lilian, I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Kevin.”
“Stop hugging already!!”
“Gravity is a most unusual force. It’s different from magnetic forces, electrical forces, and it is connected in some way with the geometric properties of space and time. And that connection is known as the General Theory of Relativity…”
Kevin Swift often wondered why he’d decided to take AP Physics. Every single lecture was filled with overly complicated explanations that explained very little. His head hurt just from thinking about some of the garbage his teacher filled it with. Really, what had he been thinking?
That’s right. I wanted to get into a good college.
He felt like slamming his face against the desk. Curse his need to excel!
“Before we get into the General Theory of Relativity, we’re going to study an older form of gravity, Newtonian gravity, and build upon these lessons first, then expand on the theories behind…”
The man speaking up front, his teacher Leroy Dupout, was an old man. Kevin would even go so far as to say ancient. His skin, wrinkled and ashen, contained multiple sunspots that people tended to get when they aged. That same skin hung off his elbows, gangly, wrinkly folds that quivered as he moved his arms. It disturbed Kevin a great deal.
I wonder what would happen if this guy and Cthulhu faced off.
“So let’s begin with the first of Newton’s equations: F=MA, force is equal to mass times acceleration…”
He looked over at Lilian, his girlfriend and mate of four months. It was hard to believe they’d been together that long. Harder still to believe that even now, after several months had passed, Kevin felt a thrill go through him at the thought.
“Let us assume that we have a frame of reference…”
She noticed him looking at her and sent a smile his way. Kevin responded with one of his own, even as he felt his cheeks grow warm. There was just something about knowing that her smile was reserved for him that set his soul ablaze, and yet it also eased his heart.
It’s such an odd feeling. Is this what people call the springtime of youth? No, wait. I think I heard that in an anime.
“Someone gag me…”
Lilian and Kevin turned at the same time to glare at Iris, who sat behind them. As always, the girl looked like the absolute epitome of sin. The way she sat in her chair like it was a throne, her chest extended, swaying enticingly with every inhale and exhale of breath, all of it was done with the purpose of flaunting her assets. More than half the class was focused on her boobs instead of the teacher—even the girls.
There are going to be a lot of F’s in this class.
Class eventually ended and he, Lilian, and Iris left with the rest of the students.
“Don’t forget about your homework just because it’s spring break,” the teacher called to the leaving teens. “Your papers on the theory behind Newtonian physics will be due first thing next week.”
Nobody actually listened to him. Kevin felt sorry for the old man. Teacher really didn’t get much respect these days.
“Man!” Iris stretched her arms high above her head, which had the completely intentional side effect of making her chest pop out. “I am so glad to be out of that class. It’s so boring. Really…” She brought her hands back down and stared at her sister and him. “Why did you two choose such a boring class?”
“I’m beginning to wonder that myself,” Kevin admitted with a shrug. “I think I had a reason when I chose that class, but it seems to have slipped my mind.”
“Who cares about class,” Lilian declared. She walked on Kevin’s right, her left hand entwined with his right. “Class is over, school is over, and we can go home and prepare for spring break.” Her eyes sparkled at the thought. “Spring break. I’m told this is supposed to be some of the best times of a high school student’s life.” She squealed. “I’m so excited!”
“Maybe a little too excited.” Despite the harsh-sounding words, Kevin could clearly see that Iris was every bit as excited as her sister. She just didn’t want to show it.
The trio strolled to the front gates, where Kevin’s new mode of transportation awaited.
Due to his dislike of buses, he and Kotohime had gone out and bought a bike, one that was large enough to carry him, Lilian, and Iris. It was a three-seater bike with orange trim. Lilian had picked out the color.
Before the group could leave, Lindsay ran up to them. Trailing behind her was Christine. While Lilian appeared happy to see her friends, Iris didn’t.
“Oh, great. The closet les—oof!” Iris sent her sister an incredulous look. “You just elbowed me!”
Lilian puffed her cheeks out. She would have looked angry if she weren’t so cute. “You were going to say something rude about my friends.”
Kevin thought he saw a javelin randomly spear Iris through the chest, however, when he blinked, the javelin was gone.
I must have imagined it. He resisted the urge to rub his eyes. I think I’ve been watching too much anime lately…
“Hey, you two! What’s up?” Lilian greeted the pair cheerfully.
Kevin shook his head. No, no, no! How can I say that? You can never watch too much anime!
“We just wanted to tell you there’s been a slight change of plans,” Lindsay said. “Christine’s going to stay at my house tonight, so you won’t have to drive to her place tomorrow.”
“So, the lesbians are finally coming out of the closet are they?” Iris’s teasing grin was in full form.
Kevin palmed his face as Mount Christine erupteded and Kevin palmed his face.
Tsundere Protocols: Activated.
“Le-les-l-le—you! Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m not—I-I mean, it’s not—WE’RE NOT LIKE THAT!” Christine’s face looked like an atomic bomb had gone off on it. “Don’t get any strange ideas. I’m only staying at Lindsay’s house because we thought this would be easier. I was trying to be considerate, Tit Monster!”
A small black cloud hovered over Lindsay’s head. The lithe blonde knelt down, one arm curled around her legs, which were drawn up to her chest. She used her other hand to draw circles on the pavement.
“She didn’t have to say it like that,” Lindsay muttered lowly. “She makes it sound like we’re not even friends.”
“There, there.” Lilian rubbed her friend’s back in a consoling manner. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it. You and Christine hang out together a lot. You’re obviously important to her.”
Lindsay looked at her red-haired friend with hopeful eyes. “You think so?”
“Of course. Christine’s just being tsundere.”
“I’m not tsundere!”
Lilian gave the snow maiden a pitying look, which caused Christine’s tsundere protocols to reach power levels that exceeded 9,000.
“I’m not! Y-y-y-you don’t, ah, you don’t know what you’re talking about!”
By this point, even Kevin and Iris were looking at Christine with matching deadpanned expressions.
“You’re really not helping your case with that tsundere act, you know,” Kevin said.
“Denial is a painful thing to watch sometimes,” Iris added.
Christine’s face would not be losing its neon complexion anytime soon.
Kevin, Lilian, and Iris arrived home fifteen minutes later. After locking up their bike, they entered the apartment, taking off their shoes and walking further inside. There, they were greeted by their maid—one of them.
Kirihime was a three-tailed kitsune. Her shoulder-length black hair possessed a lustrous shine, and two antenna-like strands poked out from the top of her head. Large round eyes that were the same color as her hair smiled at them with a comely warmth. Unlike her sister, who preferred kimonos, Kirihime wore a black and white French Maid outfit.
“Lady Iris, Lady Lilian, Lord Kevin,” Kirihime greeted the group with a gentle smile and a curtsy. “How was school? Enjoyable, I hope.”
“Meh, it was nothing special.”
“I thought it was fun.”
Iris rolled her eyes at her sister. “You think everything is fun.”
While Lilian pouted at her sister’s teasing, Kevin conversed with Kirihime. “Did you, Camellia, and Kotohime already pack everything for the trip?”
“Mostly. Yours and Lady Lilian’s clothing have not been packed yet. I thought about doing that myself, but then I thought that you might want to choose your own clothes.” Her eyes slowly widened in a clear sign of worry. “D-did you want me to pack your clothes? I-I’m so sorry! If you want me to, I’ll go and do that right now—”
“No, no,” Kevin assured Kirihime with a gentle smile to put the maid at ease. “Lilian and I will pack our own clothes, so there’s no need for you to do that. We have to choose which cosplay to bring anyway.”
“O-okay.” Kirihime slumped in relief.
“You worry way too much, Kirihime,” Lilian said. “You should learn to be a little more calm, like Kotohime.”
“Oh, no. I could never—my venerable sister is such an amazing woman. I could never be like her.”
“Mou, I think you’re selling yourself short.”
“That’s very kind of you to say.”
Stepping further into the room, Kevin found about what he’d expected to find upon arriving home: Kotohime flittering about the kitchen, preparing dinner. Her four tails were out, extending and retracting, moving in what almost appeared to be at random, but was actually a choreographed dance done with a purpose. One tail reached up and opened a cabinet, pulling out a bottle of spices. Another opened the fridge and pulled out a large slab of meat in a plastic bag. The woman was a bundle of furry activity.
Kevin felt insanely jealous.
I could cook twice as fast if I had that many appendages at my disposal.
Long black hair danced in an unseen breeze as she moved about the kitchen. Her dark eyes were slightly narrowed, adding a sensual allure that didn’t fool Kevin one bit. A purple kimono tied together with an obi several shades lighter covered her voluptuous body. The voluminous sleeves had been tied with a tasuki—a long white sash.
“Dinner will be ready in an hour or two,” Kotohime told them, even as one tail grabbed a knife. “I know it is not my place to say it, but why don’t you three make sure that everything you want for our trip is packed? You will not have much time tomorrow, especially you, Kevin-sama.”
“Yeah.” Kevin scratched the base of his neck. “I know.”
“M-My Lady! Please be—”
As one, everybody turned and winced as Camellia crashed to the floor. Her raven hair was in disarray, strands sticking out in several places. Bright green eyes looked at everything with a joy that reminded Kevin of a child, presenting a powerful dichotomy with her adult body, which was beautiful enough to give Kotohime a run for her money.
To think this is Lilian and Iris’s mother.
“I’m not gonna say a thing,” Iris declared.
“You just did.”
“Whatever, Lily-pad.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Aw! You’re so adorable when you get angry!”
Iris leapt on top of her sister, dragging the redhead to the floor. There, she proceeded to rub her face against Lilian’s left cheek. She also reached underneath Lilian, who was lying on her stomach, and cupped her sister’s breasts.
“Hey! Stop!—eek!”
Kevin watched as Iris continued to grope his mate. He wondered if he should stop them.
Lilian noticed him staring and reached out with a hand, no doubt hoping he would take it.
“B-Beloved! Help!”
“But you’re doing so well,” Kevin said, feeling a strange sense of vindication, almost as if he’d been in the exact same position as Lilian before. Oh, wait. He had.
“But she’s trying to rape me!”
“You’re exaggerating.”
While Iris rubbed her nose into her sister’s lovely red hair, Lilian tried calling out for her beloved. However, Kevin found the whole situation amusing and decided to let things play out. Meanwhile, Kirihime helped Camellia to her feet.
“A-are you alright, My Lady?”
“Hawa, don’t worry.” Camellia took her fall, like all of her previous falls, with a childish grin. “Camellia’s breasts softened her fall.”
“Ha…” A trickle of sweat trailed down the right side of Kirihime’s face. “T-that’s good… I think…”
“Hawa,” Camellia said, seemingly in agreement.
“I was thinking, we should definitely bring our matching bushy-brow costumes.”
“Oh! And we should definitely bring our Nalu and Jerza costumes.”
“But I don’t know what other costumes we should bring. What do you think?”
“…You’re completely ignoring me, aren’t you?”
“I’m still mad at you.”
Lilian stood over by the window, arms crossed under her chest, staring at the world beyond their bedroom. Kevin wished she would face him, and not just because he knew that her crossed arms were putting her breasts on enticing display. While he didn’t obsess over it like Iris did, he still thought Lilian had the most adorable pout ever.
Chuckling, Kevin walked up behind Lilian. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her back into his chest. Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
“There. You’re not mad at me anymore, right?”
“Mou… you’re no fair, Beloved.”
Despite her words, Lilian leaned into him. Her hands came up, and she placed them over his hands, which rested on her flat stomach. Kevin was tempted to take things a little further than simple hugging, but he resisted the urge to rub her entrancingly taught belly.
“I sense deep thoughts going on in here.” Kevin kissed Lilian on the temple. He was taller than her, so he had to lean down to do so.
Lilian hummed softly, a way of masking her anxiety. “Kitsune are among the largest yōkai population in the world. I don’t know exactly how many of us there are—it’s not like we actually keep track of our numbers—but there are more kitsune than almost any other yōkai race on the planet.”
“I know. Kotohime’s been teaching me about kitsune.”
“Then you probably know about what goes on behind the scenes? How our politics work?”
“She’s… getting there. It’s a slow process.”
“You know how our social science teacher has been lecturing us on human politics.”
“American politics, actually, but I get what you’re saying. What about it?”
Lilian hummed when Kevin, unable to resist, slowly rubbed her stomach, reveling in the softness of her perfectly flat belly.
“American politicians… no, human politicians in general, speak with two tongues. They promise one thing and almost never fail to deliver something else, something you didn’t want or ask for.”
“Kitsune politics are similar in that respect. A good kitsune diplomat speaks with a gilded tongue. They whisper soft words and reassurances in your ear, and then they stab you in the back when you least expect them to, metaphorically and sometimes even physically.”
Kevin listened as Lilian spoke. She’d been taught politics from a young age, and though he knew she loathed them with a passion, he also knew that she, like her maid, was a font of knowledge in this regard.
“Politics in the kitsune world are also a lot more… violent. While kitsune rarely fight in combat, that does not mean we’re not above killing and murder. It’s not unusual for a diplomat or the political leader of a clan to be… dealt with through assassination or other means. There are even some cases of entire clans being annihilated and their position usurped.”
“You’re talking about how the Vande Clan destroyed the Ślina Clan and took over as the Great River Clan, right?”
Lilian paused when one of Kevin’s hands slipped into her shorts. Her breathing hitched.
“T-there are many other examples. That’s just the most recent one. My point is the kitsune world, the yōkai world, is violent. You are a human. You and all of your friends. Our world has never been very kind to humans. For every human/kitsune relationship that ends in joy and happiness, there are ten more that end in tragedy. Our way… it is cruel to humans.”
Kevin did not speak for the longest time.
“Are you having second thoughts about us? About our relationship?”
“No!” Lilian twisted around in his arms, until she was facing him. Her eyes were wide, and the earnestly pained expression on her face caused a knife to twist painfully in Kevin’s chest. “Of course not! Never. I love you so very much, Kevin. You’re my mate, and I will never, ever regret this decision.” She sighed. “I’m just worried.”
“Because of what happened with Jiāoào?”
Five months ago, a kitsune named Jiāoào had kidnapped Lilian. Kevin had gone to her rescue and was nearly killed in the process. Kiara, his combat instructor, had also lost an arm fighting against a Void Kitsune.
Lilian leaned forward, pressing her face against the crook of his neck. She breathed in deeply. Kevin shuddered as her breath tickled his neck. Her scent, a wonderful fragrance that soothed his mind, pervaded his nose. He would never tell her this because it was embarrassing, but Kevin loved her scent “Yes, when Jiāoào kidnapped me, it reminded me of something important, something that I had been running away from for a while now.”
Kevin didn’t say anything. He knew his role in this scene. He held her close, and listened as she spoke.
“I am a member of the Pnév̱ma Clan, one of the Thirteen Great Kitsune Clans. The Pnév̱ma Clan is considered one of the strongest clans in the world. We have field agents in various positions all over Europe, and branch family members who oversee operations outside of our clan compound. While the main family, the family that I come from, is small, we have over one thousand kitsune who live under and abide by our rule.”
While 1,000 wasn’t a large number by human standards, it was a lot in terms of yōkai. Kevin didn’t know how many kitsune existed, but he’d been given a rough estimate by Kotohime, who claimed there were probably around 50,000 kitsune worldwide. That wasn’t a very large number, certainly not when compared to the 3.5 billion humans that existed.
“Jiāoào’s attempt to kidnap me reminded me that I’ll never be free, that I’ll always be a member of the Pnév̱ma Clan. No matter how far I run, no matter how hard I try to escape, I’ll always be dragged back into that world.” Her arms around Kevin tightened. “I’m afraid that you’ll end up being dragged into that world with me. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Her words suffused Kevin’s heart with warmth. In that moment, she could have told him that there were two thousand other suitors who would be coming for his life, and he wouldn’t have cared. For her, he would take on even a Great Clan by himself.
“You worry too much.”
“Yes, I worry too—huh?”
“You’re worrying too much, you’re thinking about this too hard, and you’re forgetting something important.”
“I-I am? What?”
Kevin paused for a moment, but only to wonder about something. Why was every single expression Lilian made so damn cute? Seriously. Maybe he was being biased, but it seemed like, no matter what facial expression Lilian wore, she always looked adorable… and hot, but mostly adorable.
“You’re forgetting that I chose this path. I decided to become your mate. I might not have known about all this stuff, like the politics or the crazy fox-boy stalker, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is the path that I’ve decided to walk.”
Lilian looked up at him. Her eyes, wide emeralds that made her look like those impossibly attractive females Kevin saw so often in anime, possessed a sincere hope that made her all the more enchanting.
“Do you really mean that?”
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.”
It was almost interesting to watch the way Lilian’s face shifted into a variety of expressions. First came surprise: the widening of her eyes, the parting of her lips. This was followed by another emotion. Embarrassment? No. Joy mixed with shyness perhaps. Her lovely cheeks gained a beautiful rosy hue. Next came desire. The color of her cheeks darkened. Her breathing grew heavy. Eyes that were once wide became lidded. A hand settled on the back of his head, fingers threading through strands of blond hair.
A whispered word from honeyed lips. Kevin stared at those lips, beautifully shaped, slightly parted, pink, and softer than the finest silk. They glistened in the moonlight. Lilian’s small tongue darted out and licked those lips, and Kevin found himself envying them.
“Yes, Lilian?” he lowered his voice to a whisper. By this point, Lilian’s lips were close enough that he could practically taste them. Her warm breath carried with it the scent of strawberries and cinnamon.
“Kiss me.”
Had Lilian said those words when they first met, he would have denied her. Actually, he would have passed out, but it amounted to the same thing. Had Lilian told him to do this as little as several months ago, that first contact would have been tentative, a soft flutter like the petals of a flower caressing bare skin. Had she said those words several months ago, Kevin would not have done what he did that night.
“All women have the ability to detect lecherous intent in their vicinity. I call it the Perv-O-Dar. In order to beat this Perv-O-Dar, you must learn to mask your presence, my young apprentice.”
Eric Corrompere was only half paying attention to his master. The other half was dedicated on trying to get a peek at the nubile, feminine flesh that lay on the other side of the bamboo fence.
“Yes, Master.”
Just then, Eric felt something come over him, an overwhelming and undeniably potent feeling. Eric could do nothing to act against this feeling, for it consumed his very being, enthralling him in its libidinous embrace.
Eric clenched a shaking fist.
And raised it to the sky.
He also shouted very loudly.
“My Lord! Your greatness truly knows no bounds! I AM HUMBLED BEFORE YOUR AWESOME PROWESS!”
“Did you hear that?”
“It sounded like a man!”
“A man?!” La gasp. “Peeping tom! It’s a peeping tom!”
“Let’s murder him, girls!”
“Well, it looks like this is my cue to leave,” Heather said. “You’re on your own, Apprentice. Good luck.”
“Eh? W-wait! Master, what are you—”
But Heather was already gone. She’d vanished, disappearing like a ghost. Or ninja. Or a ninja ghost.
Eric hated it when she did that.
Just then, several shadows covered his vision. Eric turned to find dozens of towel-clad figures glaring at him with glowing red eyes and hellfire blazing behind their backs. They were holding sharp, pointy implements that he was sure did not belong in a hot spring.
A cold sweat broke out on his face.
Eric whimpered.
They had become animals of passion, of lust, of desire. Driven only by the unquenchable thirst for each other, they could do nothing more than embrace this need and the fires it had lit beneath them.
Saliva became their sustenance. They shared in the sweet nectar. What little managed to escape their mouths was eventually scooped back up by an errant lick.
Tongues danced to the rhythm of a hundred pulsating drums that obeyed no form of musical theory, driven as it was by the staccato bursts and nasally gasps of their dramatic breathing.
Licking, hooking, twirling, tasting, pushing, and pulling… nothing existed beyond these concepts of action—nothing but the desire, the need, the thirst, the hunger that consumed them, that pushed their eager bodies and battling tongues to greater heights of passion.
Lilian’s back pressed against the wall, smashed between the hard surface and her mate’s muscular body. Her shorts had long since disappeared, as had her shirt, and Kevin’s eager hand had yet to leave its place on her left breast. His other hand had yet to leave its place on her right butt cheek, and Lilian would be damned if she let it move from that spot… unless it was to switch to her other cheek.
Her legs were hooked around his waist. Her body, slick with their combined sweat, rubbed against his bare stomach and chest, generating a ceaseless friction that caused her to moan with the desire for more. Their pelvises, the only part of their body still covered by clothing, ground together; the intensity of their rubbing privates caused her body to shudder.
Lilian was lost. Lost in her desire for this human teenager, who evoked feelings she could only experience with him. Her need for him—to feel his body against hers, his warmth pervading her, hands touching her skin—was as inarguable a fact as one plus one equals two. Did he know what he did to her? Could he even comprehend the feelings the mere thought of him invoked? Probably not fully, but he was certainly beginning to.
His mouth left her lips. She would have complained, but that implied that she had the ability to speak. She did not. Anything other than her monosyllabic moans had fled long before his lips ever latched onto her neck.
He licked her. Kevin’s tongue glided along the side of her neck, reveling in the salty taste of her sweaty skin. It left a trail, wet and glistening, from the base of her neck all the way up to her ear, which a set of teeth proceeded to nibble on soon after.
Hardness. She could feel her mate’s arousal. She could feel him pressing against her, caressing a place on her body that only he was allowed to touch—well, that only he was allowed to touch now. She and Iris had experimented before Kevin had come into the picture, but Kevin didn't seem interested in going the harem route. Her lace panties clung to her skin, rubbing against her folds and sending her mind into delirium.
Her small feet touched carpet as Kevin set her down. Wanting to experience another kiss, Lilian claimed his mouth again. Her tongue darted past his lips, where it plundered the inside of his mouth, even as she pushed him onto the bed and used the hardness trapped between her thighs to pleasure herself.
She wanted him. Inari-blessed, she wanted him right now. She wanted to feel him inside of her, to feel him filling her up, sending her over the chasm, as her mind touched upon the maddening ecstasy that could only come after her body had been thoroughly plundered by her mate.
She wanted to have sex with him so badly, but she wouldn’t do it. Not now. Not yet. She had promised her mate. Kevin was willing to indulge her need, to satiate her desire; however, there was one line that he didn’t want to cross yet.
She didn’t understand his unwillingness to have sex—Inari knows they’d done just about everything short of it. But then, Lilian wasn’t human. She was a kitsune, and their society did not have the downright stupid taboos about sex that humans did.
She still thought it was dumb to let something like a silly little taboo get in the way of their love, but Kevin had been firm on this. Lilian loved Kevin, so she had promised that they would not take that last step until he was ready—and a kitsune never broke her promise.
Kevin groaned underneath Lilian as she dry humped him. His body bucked, hips moving to the rhythm she set. He placed one hand against the bed, pushing his body up so he was sitting. The other fell upon her derriere like a baker’s hand on wet flour, and her rear muscles clenched at the most welcome sensations.
She hissed against his mouth, an action only partially repeated by him. Kevin’s mind was even more lost than her own. She knew that, should she desire it, she could probably get away with ripping his pants off and having her way with him. Oddly enough, the thought never lasted longer than a fleeting second. Her promise and his love meant far more to her than the transitory pleasure she could derive from such an act.
What began as a slow build up within her lower stomach reached a crescendo. She could feel it, the tightening of coils in her loins, the impossible peak being reached right before that final release. Her panties were sopping wet by this point, the flowing juices had even stained hers and Kevin’s legs. With one final wail, she tipped over the edge—her body shuddering, vision going white. Nothing remained except that incredible feeling of rapture that could only come from an intense orgasm.
Strength ebbing, her mind going strangely blank, Lilian collapsed on top of a just as spent Kevin. She breathed in deeply, basking in his scent and the oh so wonderful glow of what they’d done. His hands resting on her back sent tingles down her spine.
“… Lilian?”
“Thank you.”
Lilian looked up, an incredible feat considering her exhaustion, and met the beautiful blue eyes of her beloved mate. Using the last of her strength, she pulled herself up to place another kiss upon his now bruised lips.
“I should be the one saying that,” she muttered against his mouth. One kiss turned into two and two into three. Lilian was about to go for a fourth when a voice interrupted her.
“By Inari’s sagging scrotum, that was hot.”
The warm feelings that had been clouding the couple’s minds dispersed like a summer breeze in Antarctica. They turned their heads, slowly, mechanically, towards the door. Iris stood there, leaning against the doorframe. Her hands were covering her crotch. It wasn’t hard to realize what she was doing.
“How long has she been there?” They would have wondered—except they were still trying to comprehend the fact that Iris had entered their room sometime while they’d been passionately embraced.
“Hey, don’t stop on my account. I don’t mind being given another show.” Iris paused to grin lecherously. “Unless you’d like me to join you.”
As the words “join you” passed through her ear, Lilian’s mind went straight down the gutter. She envisioned her and her sister ganging up on Kevin, having their way with him. Then she imagined Kevin and Iris ganging up on her!
Several seconds later, Lilian was launched into the air as blood shot from her nose like the jet exhaust from a Gundam. She slammed into the ceiling, her body going splat! She stayed like that for several seconds before, ever so slowly, her body peeled off the ceiling and landed on top Kevin.
Kevin released all the air he had in a loud woosh! as Lilian’s soft body slammed into his stomach. He gasped, trying to suck in the oxygen that he’d lost to no avail.
Still lying on top of him, her eyes swirling around in her head, Lilian, clearly insensate, muttered:
“Ufufufu, Beloved, Iris, this is my first time… please be gentle, ufufufu…”
After he finally regained his breath, a blushing Kevin glared at Iris who, if the smile she wore said anything, told him that she didn’t care if he was bothered, angry, embarrassed, or all three.
Her mission complete, Iris left, her laughter echoing to him as she sauntered down the hall.
Kevin glanced at Lilian, who was still giggling and muttering nonsensically in her unconscious state.
“Ufufufu, Beloved, I promise we won’t suck you dry…”
He sighed and stared up at the ceiling.
“That girl is going to be impossible come tomorrow morning. I can already tell.”
For some reason, the thought didn’t bother him as much as it once did.
Within the darkness, Detavio ran through the streets of Los Angeles. The moon hovered above him, and the stars were all but invisible, blocked out by the lights of Los Angeles. He paid attention to none of this, however, and continued running through the docks.
Damn it! Shit, fuck, gods be damned cock suckers!
He had just barely managed to escape from a situation in which everything had gone right but still somehow ended up going horribly wrong. He couldn’t believe those damn foxes! They had been waiting for them, setting up an ambush for their little group, and like a bunch of fools, they’d fallen right into it. He could only thank all eight million gods that their leader, and the majority of their members, had not shown up to take care of this deal personally. That would have been a disaster!
However, this did leave him with a problem. He was the only member of his group still alive, and his enemies were now chasing after him.
His short legs carried him as quickly as they could. The bluish green tone of his scaly skin reflected moonlight, and several lamps and neon signs added color to his bald, shining head. That would make it easier to find him. Gods, he really hated this state.
If California wasn’t next to the ocean…
“I think he went this way!”
“Quick! Don’t let him escape!”
Gritting his teeth, breath coming out of his nose in nasally rasps, he pushed his legs harder than he ever had before. He couldn’t let these assholes catch him!
He turned a corner, then another, before ducking through the nearest door. Leaning against the doorframe, he let himself rest, silently gasping for breath. He’d never been so exhausted in his life. Damn those kitsune for blocking off the ocean. Didn’t they have enough land, wealth, and power? Now they were stepping onto his leader’s turf!
Outside the alleyway, he could hear them shouting.
“Where did he go? Did you see him?”
“I think he went that way!”
“Let’s go!”
He breathed a sigh of relief, then noticed where he was and decided to have a look around.
He appeared to be in a warehouse, which made sense. This block of the city contained nothing but warehouses. All of the deliveries sent from out of country via ship were stored here, in one of the many large buildings, which were shaped similarly to giant sea shells. This one appeared to be mostly empty, save for a few large boxes.
He walked forward slowly, cautiously, on the lookout for anything suspicious. He didn’t think those kitsune would be able to find him, but it never hurt to be cautious.
Reacting to the large jet stream of water that screamed at him from above, he sucked in a deep breath, then launched his own jet of water at it. The two jets collided and negated each other, blowing apart and spraying water everywhere.
He glared up at the roof, where a shadowy figure with two swaying tails stood. A noise to his left alerted him to another presence. It was another kitsune, this one also possessing of two tails—brown ones.
More and more kitsune entered the room, surrounding him on all sides. How had they found him so quickly? And why were there so many? He counted at least half a dozen!
One of them smirked, a two-tails with blond hair and cobalt eyes. Those eyes, they were a trait of the clan these kitsune belonged to. He hated those condescending eyes, which looked down on him, as if he was trash beneath the kitsune’s feet.
“Heh. It looks like you fell right into our little trap. Man, I had always been told that you kappa sucked at illusions, but I never realized you were so shitty at them that you couldn’t even tell when you’re being led into a trap by one.”
D-damn these kitsune and their illusions!
He eyed the kitsune surrounding him, even as he backed up. If he could just find some kind of break in their formation, a weak point that he could exploit. Most unfortunately, there did not seem to be one. These kitsune of the Mul Clan, their tactics were as impeccable as he’d heard.
“Well, whatever, this is the end of the line for you, Scaly. You and the rest of your gang should have just packed up and left when you had the chance.”
Had the chance? Ha! As if these foxes had ever given them a chance to escape. Just where would they go anyway? They couldn’t move inland. They needed the ocean to survive.
He opened his mouth to talk, although he had no clue what he would say. In the end, it didn’t matter.
Pain erupted in his back and chest. He cried out in anguish. His vision went white. When his eyesight returned, spots kept him from seeing the whole picture. He felt numb.
Something was sticking out of his chest. It was a claw, made from water, frozen into crystals, and hardened to the density of diamonds. Dark ichor drenched the claw, shining brightly in the sparse amounts of illumination from overhead lights. The smell, a coppery scent tinged with sea salt, filled his nostrils.
The last thing he saw before everything went dark was another kitsune walking between the group, her three white tails swaying behind her like the abominable tentacles of a kraken.
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Up to this point, this was a comedy and hijinx harem series with some action. This is not that. This is an action light novel with harem comedy and hinjinx. There are multiple moments where our heroes get a chance to demonstrate the puissance, but also get their butt kicked a few times.Also, threnody is a fun word.
Up to this point, this was a comedy and hijinx harem series with some action. This is not that. This is an action light novel with harem comedy and hinjinx. There are multiple moments where our heroes get a chance to demonstrate the puissance, but also get their butt kicked a few times.Also, threnody is a fun word.
I hope that when I go to Comic Con, there won't be any battle between bigots and yokai. I loved meeting Cassy. A nekomata character is essential to a story like this. I hope to see more of her. This story gets better every time. I can't wait to see how Kevin adds more girls to his harem. It's seems that he'll get one whether he wants to or not 😂
I hope that when I go to Comic Con, there won't be any battle between bigots and yokai. I loved meeting Cassy. A nekomata character is essential to a story like this. I hope to see more of her. This story gets better every time. I can't wait to see how Kevin adds more girls to his harem. It's seems that he'll get one whether he wants to or not 😂
Another really good one.